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Name of author: Gavrilă Iulian, Filip Andrei, Sima Costin, Florea Mihai, Niţă Alexandru, Anuška Kankaraš, Zorana Kankaraš, Stevan Jovović, Sofija Radunović, Sara Lalatović
Name of school: Economic College,, Virgil Madgearu’’and Secondary economic school
Country, city: România, Prahova, Ploieşti and Montenegro, Niksic
Coordinating teachers: Mic Mihaela Alina and Olivera Lučić

Does our pollution reach Peking?
Firstly, we would like to inform you of the ways we have dealt with this issue:
1. We tested the air condition in our cities;
2. We have investigated the number of illnesses and deaths caused by the polluted air;
3. We have investigated the local populations and relevant NGOs dealing with air pollution testing;
4.We held presentations in schools;The students have created posters, layouts based on our presentation;
5. We wrote the report based on the information collected and suggested solving the problem.

1,,Air condition’’in our cities
In Ploieşti (232,302 inhabitants), and Niksic (65,000 inhabitants) residents are exposed daily to atmospheric pollution levels above the permitted limits.
The air we breathe includes emissions from motor vehicles, industry, heating and commercial sources, as well as tobacco smoke and household fuel. Air pollution damages people's health, especially those who have existing health problems. People living in the city are particularly affected, traffic emissions being the most important.
The condition of air in Niksic, and the monitoring carried out by the Agency for the
Protection of the Environment on a daily basis, in 2016 had 72 days to exceed the permissible quantities of PN10 particles. This condition of air is influenced by TšČelik Ironworks, which works without ecological approval, as well as a large number of registered cars, every third resident owning a car of an average age of 12 years.
I agree that CCDG and FEE will use this material for educational purposes in publications and promotion on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. of the YRE / Litter Less program.

At the beginning of 2018, in Ploiesti 74,767 cars for people and 21,643 cars for legal entities were registered in Ploiesti Local Government Administration, ie more than 96,000 registered cars, 183 buses, 42 trolley buses and 33 trams, and the active number ranges from month to month. The Ploieşti Motor Show Prognosis by 2030 shows much higher values than those existing at the national level (220 cars per 1,000 inhabitants). In 2018 in the Ploieşti were only 93 days of fresh air.

2. Number of illnesses and deaths caused by polluted air
"Air pollution is an invisible killer and we need to step up our efforts to address the causes of the situation,"said Hans Bruyninckx (EEA).
According to WHO data, the region of South East Europe loses an equivalent of 19% of its GDP because of deaths caused by air pollution. In Montenegro, health costs associated with air pollution are 14.5%. In 2016, air pollution led to 489 premature deaths in Montenegro. In Romania, 23,000 people.
I agree that CCDG and FEE will use this material for educational purposes in publications and promotion on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. of the YRE / Litter Less program.

A study shows that the number of diseases in Ploiesti could increase by 1,000 new cases due to pollution. So in 2014, 35,984 people are diagnosed with illnesses caused by different pollutants, and in 2015, 37,091 people. In Montenegro, in 2011, 513 people died prematurely due to exposure to suspended particles and ozone.

The new analysis is based on a harmonized methodology of WHO and the European Commission. It shows that every year air pollution from coal-fired power plants in the Western. Balkans leads to 3,900 premature deaths, 8,500 cases of bronchitis in children, as well as other chronic illnesses, causing Europe to account for 11.53 billion euros of total health costs.
The environmental agencies should measure the concentration of harmful substances with the cells, but those are more or less defective.

3. Reflection of local population
14 residents of the settlement near the factory complained to Željezara, Niksic municipality and the state because their health was compromised as well as the health of their families. Their property is exposed to huge amounts of dust and smoke. All this has resulted in I agree that CCDG and FEE will use this material for educational purposes in publications and promotion on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. of the YRE / Litter Less program. frequent bronchitis and asthma and more frequent carcinogenic events than in other parts of the city.
What every resident can notice is that the visibility in Ploieşti is greatly reduced, especially during the winter months.,,What is worrying is that the competent institution, responsible for informing citizens on whether air quality at a satisfactory level has not adequately responded, we do not have information for the days of pollution”.

4. Presentation in school
We presented this subject to the students of our schools who brought the pollution subject to the rest of the school by making/ creating posters.

A student has previously produced a video on this subject so we watched:https://eus-nk.wixsite.com/eko-skola/obiljezavanje-dana-planete-zemlje?wix-vod-video-id=d597dac0c0f4411c8c20f34219ba97e3&wix-vod-comp-id=comp-j3n7f8rb#
Student Ivan presented the presentation of the state of air in Niksic while other students created posters and mind maps based on the acquired knowledge https://youtu.be/LOd1jz2ydjE)
So in Ploiesti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJc2pzVx4ic&feature=share.
Teachers created a quiz(https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pipnn8j2c18),a puzzle, a game on this subject (https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=1f960453d766), and the studentsplayed .

5. Proposals to improve the situation
The students proposed remedial measures and improvements:
•Reducing CO2 emissions by increasing the attractiveness and efficiency of transport (by replacing diesel cars with hybrid or electric cars) and non-motorized transport vehicles.
•Planting trees in main traffic areas and restricting the access of cars owned by the city.
•Create an urban network of sensors for air pollution monitoring. Collected data can be used in local news bulletins where residents find out when it is safer to create an out-of-the-seat movement to play with children outside of it.
I agree that CCDG and FEE will use this material for educational purposes in publications and promotion on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. of the YRE / Litter Less program.
•Completing the EEA interactive map with data from local authorities. (http://airindex.eea.europa.eu/);
•Students'environmental discussions on environmental issues at the EPA’s initiative, where we will expand our cooperation;
A good example is given by the Leading Cities of the European WHO network, healthy cities.
Healthy cities share the vision of urban health, that put people and their health and well-being at the center of all their policies and actions. "We do not choose where we will be born, but it is up to us to decide how we will live, and pollution should not be the price to pay".
There is also a petition to AVAAZ:https://secure.avaaz.org/en/community_petitions/It_is_a_group_of_students_from_Montenegro_and_Romania_Does_our_pollution_reach_Peking/details/
I agree that CCDG and FEE will use this material for educational purposes in publications and promotion on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. of the YRE / Litter Less program.



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